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Welcome to MY WORLD!
"I’m so excited to be going on another trip somewhere in our great big wonderful world!
I have visited many people and places on our unique planet.
I’ve learned so much from my fellow adventurers and fellow travelers! My trunk is ready to fill again with treasures and my passport is ready to go again!
Please look at the many trinkets and souvenirs I’ve collected--- and I will get more.
Grab your suitcases and come travel with me on another unbelievable adventure…somewhere!"
Created with an old globe, a recycled Atlas, and a little bucket for his head...which is an adjustable study lamp, various tubes, and sprinkler parts, Tom has several little items related to travel. Check out the little cars and planes inside the Atlas and in other places. He has his own passport with his picture, and he has many travel brochures which are kinda OLD. His little trunk is all hand made and lined with maps, even his legs are wrapped in maps. The trinkets on the globe are just a few of the places that Tom has visited. Look closely for more hidden objects.
Tom Trotter, World Traveler
( A Study Lamp!)
32" Tall x 14" Deep x 20" Wide

Travel Brochures, Postcards And Geography Book. A Small Trunk For Souveniers

A Tiny Plane Circles Tom's Head
His Spikey Hair is Paint Brush Hairs! I Used a Paint Can for His Head. The Light Bulb is Just Behind His Glasses...Easy to Change.
Glasses And A Real Night Light!

Tom's Legs Are Made From Steel Pipes, Springs, And Maps Wrapped Around Them.

An Old World Globe And Lots of Travel Items, Tom is Planning His Next Trip. A Small Item Is Pinned On The Globe Indicating Where He's Been! Can You See the Flip Flops Pinned To Hawai'i?

A Jet Has Landed On the Seuss Book!
The Night Light Bulb is Between His Eyes, Easy
to Replace.

He Has a Flexible Neck So The Light Can Be Moved Around. The Small Items Are
Pinned into The Globe Indicating Each Place HeVisited--Here is France!'s
Tom's "Bones"
Maps And His Passport!
And...His "Souvenier Trunk" to Fill
There is so much to see and find on this sculpture.
The Little Flower Girl
22" Tall x 12"Wide x 12" Deep

She has her gardening book ready to study!
The book is part of the sculpture!

Lots of parts to make her special! Her feet are made fron 2 computer mouses.

With a light bulb to help with ideas--light on? light off?... and her beautiful smile, she's ready to go to her garden!

In the back, I've added a "Mother Board" to guide her.

Back view of more "found " items.

Front view
This is Page 3
Each sculpture is One-of-A-Kind.
ART-bots include shipping charges within the contiguous US. ART-bot prices do not include taxes, where applicable,
I will deliver any ART-bot over 24" tall and within 100 miles of Kalispell, MT at NO extra charge. If you live farther away in Montana, please ask me about possible deliveries to your home.
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