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Sold! at the Whitefish Art Festival

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   Joe Java's Bean Juice Cart

  25" Tall x 9" Deep x 9" Wide

Hi! I'm Joe!

Thanks for droppin’ by my bean juice cart!


It’s the BREW that counts and I have some superbly brewed just for you! 5 cents a cup! I have the cup, too. No need for too many! So grab it and I’ll get the burner goin’.


Recycled & Found Objects including:

An old cowboy coffee pot, vintage MJB coffee can, old stove burner, computer parts, copper tubing, old doll buggy wheels, an antique coffee cup, and nuts, washers, bolts and more!


The antique coffee pot was a great find. The old stove burner came from a stove we replaced and the coffee can is also very old! 

Sam, The Avenging NightHawk good frontal

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Copper tubing heats the coffee.  Extra beans in the tray are regularly replenished for the freshest java. The blue metal cup is the only cup he uses so the line is long, waiting to get that wonderful brew!


Close up of his coffee cart. Also, notice a cup of the black liquid is just 5 cents! There is an olds fashion twist can opener from long ago. Can you spot it?


      Sam, The Avenging Nighthawk               (A Night Light with Clock)

     30" Tall x 9" deep x 13" Wide



"I have wings to fly to you at night and I have a little midnight snack to share with you if you get hungry,. I will be here when you need me and I will wake you when you need to get up. I am Sam." 


Sam has a clock inside his chest. When he opens his wings, you can see the clock—it illuminates at night, too.  He’s just eaten his breakfast of "Captain Crunch" that he will share with you. He keeps some "Whoppers" on hand for extra energy.  He’s “earned his wings” as you can see, from Delta, and is fully certified to fly. He even has his name engraved (key board letters) proudly displayed just above the Delta wings.

He needs his SUPER SPECIAL glasses at night to keep close watch in the room as his “person” sleeps.

Sam’s favorite book, Object-Oriented Analysis And Design,  is included with him .It seems logical to him to brush up on any new info he can…while guarding his “person”.

Sam's unique head is made of an old metal steamed milk server. His glasses are from a locket and you can see a light sensor in the night light. His wings are made from a vegetable strainer, legs are made from pop-up sprinkler parts and his feet are Mouse(s). Look for many other items as you look more closely. 


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Sam is also a night light !

Sams clock_edited.jpg

Sam needs a clock to remind him of his schedule. He keeps Captain Crunch close for those early mornings! 
Notice his flight wings award and his wings open for the day.
His name is spelled out with keyboard letters.

Sam has computer mouses for feet, pop-up sprinkler parts for legs, his wings are made from a veggie strainer, his head is a metal cup, and he has a bright antenna for the night light.  

In the back, he is specifically set up with a small mother board that controls most of his assignments. It can be "dialed in" with a stove knob for accuracy. 

Vince, The Invinceable Dragon

72" Long x 36" Wide x 36" Tall


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upper_lower jaws made from 2 garden trowels_edited_edited_edited.jpg
Top of jaw with cat eye marbles_edited.jpg

I attached a silver fork on the top of his head and a tiger eye marble so he could see. On top of his head I attached a section of a mouse part to round out his head. 

before covering vacuum.jpg

I found a small vacuum in a recycle can.
I used this as the body and neck .It's balanced on the old wood using  old garden hand rakes bent to form claws. 

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I used 2 small garden trowels
for the top and bottom of the head.
Fangs are the tines of forks. You can see 
the fork handles.

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You can see the vacuum with the head attached. His "horns" are parts of an old Ford Mustang.

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Put together, the small garden trowels, forks and part of a toy for a togue, completes the head!

I found an old ice saw, removed the wooden handle, and cut it in sections for his tail. I wanted it to move and bend so I drilled holes in each section and attached brass hinges to all the sections.

Dragon Tail another tail view.jpg

Here, you can see all the finished sections.
On the right, I've attached the tail with screws. 

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Details of the body, over the vacuum. "Leaves" representing dragon feathers, were from a metal fruit bowl. The small, gold, outlined scales came from  vegetable stainers, taken apart and individually screwed to the bodt in a special pattern! 

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    ART-bots include shipping charges within the contiguous US. ART-bot prices do not include taxes, where applicable, 
I will deliver any ART-bot over 24" tall and within 100 miles of Kalispell, MT at NO extra charge. If you live farther away in Montana, please ask me about possible deliveries to your home.


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