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Gloria Jean and Etta FishGerald
10.5"Tall x 5" Deep x 3" Wide

These can be magnified--place your cursor
over any part of the image and left click. Move the magnify glass around!
Gloria Jean takes Etta FishGerald out for a "skate' everyday!

Etta is her pet fish in the fish bowl!

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"Roller Skates" from an elevator parts
"My skates take us on many adventures. Sometimes we go to the Aquarium to visit Etta's relatives." Etta's fish bowl has rollers, too!!
Gloria Jean and Etta FishGerald take lovely, refreshing daily "skates". Gloria Jean straps on her skates, grabs her purse, and out they go for a fun "walkies" around the neighborhood. Etta especially loves to go by the local cat store and blow bubbles at the felines as they drool at their window ledges.! What a tease!
Gloria Jean is made of a light bulb with game pieces on top Gloria Jean's head (for her modern haircut), a piece of piping for her top half, arms made from toilet flushing handles, an elevator fuse for her lower half covered in screening for her skirt, alligator clips for hands, her purse is a paper clamp and leather with a hair tie for a handle, legs of threaded rods covered in wire cover, and dominos for feet. Her roller skates are spare parts...I don't know what these came from.
Etta FishGerald is made from a jacket's zipper "pull" and her leash is a wire. She "floats" in a Christmas Tree décor bulb above a bed of crystals.
Etta's wheels came from a Matchbox car.
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Simon, Ready for his planet assignment
Planetary Recovery Team
27" Tall
$500.00 each - $1,015.00 Pair
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(They'd love to stay together as a team)

Simon and Vicky

Vicky, Getting her cleaning tools ready

Simon stands on rubble he's recycling
Heads are old car ash trays. Antennas are getting radio signals from other planets

Simon carries tools and lunch in this handy basket. Some planets are so cold that he can take ice cream!

Vicky has her vacuum ready

Heavy boots keep her grounded

Items are "sucked" into a special container

“Simon, Planetary Salvage Recovery”
26” tall x 13” deep x 16” wide
Recycled Parts
Simon belongs to the elite group of “Salvage and Recovery ART-bots” that are commissioned to recover any valuable mechanical parts and any important electronics from all the “Cities of Lost Treasures”.
He carries items in his backpack that help him in his cold and lonely work. This is the most dangerous work, amongst obsolete wrecks of former satellite communications stations, crashed space ships, and robotics found on the various planets. His big eyes constantly scan the planet surface for any viable recyclable parts that will help his own planet survive.
Simon’s head is made from a vintage car ash tray, while his body and legs are created from old computer parts. He stands in the rubble of computer Mother Boards and hard drives.

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Vicky is equipt with water hoses, a vacuum, and brushes
Heads are old car ash trays. Antennas are getting radio signals from other planets & each other
"Vicky, Planetary Surface Maintenance"
27” tall x 10” deep x 16” wide
Recycled Parts
“I’m just doing what must be done to keep our planet clean…” --Vicky
Maintaining all surfaces is the important job –and skill—that Vicky loves. She makes final “sweeps” of cracks and crevices and places that need a thorough vacuuming. These new, clean, and now, tidy places, will become the amazing spaces for new housing areas, beautiful gardens, and exciting playgrounds for children.
She removes the contaminates and other “unappealing items” such as leftover cans, old paper, bottle caps, fast food garbage, string, old newspapers, and an occasional game piece from previous inhabitants.
She absolutely loves her life and she loves to keep every planet clean and beautiful for everyone to enjoy. She hopes you will do the same on your planet!
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Simon's back view...lots of wires, computer parts, and an ash tray head
ART-bots include shipping charges within the contiguous US. ART-bot prices do not include taxes, where applicable,
I will deliver any ART-bot over 24" tall and within 100 miles of Kalispell, MT at NO extra charge. If you live farther away in Montana, please ask me about possible deliveries to your home.

Each sculpture is One-of-A-Kind.
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